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4 Reasons to Repair Your Sidewalk without Delay

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Concrete sidewalks are a durable element on your property with a long lifespan. However, they might undergo wear and tear due to heavy traffic, weather conditions, or old age. It further leads to cracks, slab settlements, and other issues. To address the problem, you must hire a sidewalk repair contractor in New York. 

Are you still wondering whether you should hire a residential concrete installation service in Queens, NY, to fix the cracks that have started to appear on the slab? Are you thinking of procrastinating the repair work for a few more days? Let’s look at four reasons you should repair your sidewalk without delay.

Reasons you should repair your sidewalk without delay

  • Prevent Accidents

A broken or split sidewalk can lead to accidents, and an individual walking on it can sustain serious injury. A shoe toe can easily get trapped in the broken section of the sidewalk, and anyone can easily trip on it and fall on the hard concrete. On a similar note, if the damage is significant, the sidewalk becomes risker as an individual can twist their ankle or sustain serious injury.

When a sidewalk is broken, its various section starts to disintegrate and split, increasing the chances for someone to get hurt. In addition, a damaged sidewalk closer to any commercial premises can be a risk for seniors and wheelchairs. Hire a sidewalk repair contractor to ensure no accidents occur on your property.

  • Maintain the Curb Appeal

A damaged sidewalk can spoil the curb appeal of your commercial and residential property. To maintain the aesthetic appeal of your home, you can hire a residential concrete installation service in Queens, NYIn addition, they will also offer you an opportunity to add style, color, and texture to your pavement.

A reliable and skilled sidewalk installation contractor specializes in different sidewalk work. You can trust them to give a beautiful makeover to your sidewalk and add value to your property.

  • Maintain a Secure and Safe Environment

A damaged sidewalk with broken cement makes the premises less accessible and unsafe for visually impaired people or individuals with any other kind of disabilities.

  • Protect From Dot Violation Notice

DOT (Department of Transportation) issues a sidewalk violation notice to the property owner if they observe any defect. You are given 75 days to rectify the issue; otherwise, they will repair the sidewalk and charge you for it. It often has proven to be an expensive route.

When you address the sidewalk issue immediately, you lower your chances of receiving the DOT sidewalk removal notice.

Bottom Line

As a property owner, it’s your responsibility to maintain the condition and safety of your sidewalk. Otherwise, it can lead to accidents and even a sidewalk violation notice from the DOT. Thus, hire a sidewalk repair contractor in New York to address any issue immediately.

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