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Top Causes of Driveway & Sidewalk Damage and How to Prevent Them

driveway and sidewalks repair New York NY

Driveways and sidewalks are an essential part of the exterior of any home. They provide a safe and convenient surface to walk and drive on. However, these surfaces can become damaged over time due to various factors. Thus, raising the need for driveway and sidewalk repair in New York, NY.

Let’s quickly look at some key reasons why you need to hire a professional sidewalk repair contractor in NY.

  • Weather-Related Concerns

Often, weather plays a critical role in the deterioration of your driveway and sidewalk.

Over time, extreme temperatures, heavy rain, snow, and hail damage these surfaces. When water gets into cracks in the surface, it can freeze and expand, causing the crevasses to become more extensive and profound. It can lead to crumbling and heaving.

To prevent the above situation, you must keep the surfaces clean and debris-free. It will prevent water from pooling on the surface and causing damage. Additionally, it is crucial to keep the surface sealed and protected from the elements. Regular sealing and maintenance can help prevent weather-related deterioration.

  • Tree Roots

Another common reason you require driveway and sidewalk repair in New York, NY, is tree roots. As trees grow, their roots can extend into the soil underneath the driveway or sidewalk. It can cause the surface to crack and become damaged over time. Additionally, tree roots can cause the surface to become uneven and create tripping hazards.

To prevent damage caused by tree roots, planting trees far away from driveways and sidewalks is recommended. Additionally, it is essential to regularly inspect the surface and identify any areas where tree roots may be causing damage. If you notice damage caused by tree roots, it may be necessary to remove the tree or cut the roots to repair the surface.

  • Poor Construction

When the surface is not properly built or maintained, it can damage over time. It can include issues such as cracks, crumbling, and uneven surfaces. Poor construction can also lead to drainage issues that can cause water to pool on the surface and cause damage.

To prevent damage caused by poor construction, work with a reputable contractor. They must have experience in constructing and maintaining driveways and sidewalks.

  • Overloading

When vehicles or heavy equipment are driven or parked on the surface, it can cause the surface to become damaged over time. Overloading can also cause the surface to become uneven and create tripping hazards.

To prevent damage caused by overloading, it is crucial to limit the weight of vehicles and equipment driven or parked on the surface. Additionally, it is essential to regularly inspect the surface and make repairs as necessary to keep it in good condition.

Bottom Line

Above are some key reasons why your sidewalk and driveway are damaged. Inspecting and maintaining the surface regularly is essential to prevent deterioration and keep these surfaces in good condition. If you observe any damage, hire a professional sidewalk repair contractor in NY to address the issue immediately.

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